Our Story
Kindness: “the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate” is a core value that we endeavour to live daily. It is this value, and our love of trying new recipes, that initiated our caramel journey in 2019.
It was Christmas season and just like prior years we were making sweet treats to fill boxes to share with family, friends, and neighbors. We needed one more item to complete the ‘variety’ and decided to try making salted caramels. Our first attempt was a success and we became hooked on caramel!
For the next 18 months, a hobby ensued. We continued to make caramels to share during holidays and special occasions. We tried new flavours and recipes - we made and shared a lot of caramels! We received a lot of encouragement and requests to make caramels to sell; hence the realization of Caramel by Cali.
If you enjoy our caramels please tell others. If you really enjoy them, why not buy extra to share! Treat yourself and in the spirit of kindness, treat someone else.